Source: NTSBThe National Transportation Safety Board recommends that the
Federal Aviation Administration:
Require all 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121 air
carrier operators to establish programs for flight
crewmembers who have demonstrated performance deficiencies
or experienced failures in the training environment that
would require a review of their whole performance history at
the company and administer additional oversight and training
to ensure that performance deficiencies are addressed and
corrected. (A-05-014)
Amend the emergency exit training information contained in
the flight crew and cabin crew sections in Federal Aviation
Administration Order 8400.10, Air Transportation Aviation
Inspectors Handbook, to make the emergency exit door/slide
training described in the flight crew section as
comprehensive as the cabin crew emergency training section
of the principal operations inspector handbook. (A-05-015)
Verify that all 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part
121 operators emergency door/slide trainers are configured
to accurately represent the actual airplane exit door/slide
and that their flight crew emergency exit door/slide
training provides the intended hands-on emergency procedures
training as described in 14 CFR 121.417, to include pulling
the manual inflation handle. (A-05-016)
Inform all air traffic control tower controllers of the
circumstances of this accident, including the need to ensure
that aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) vehicles are
not delayed without good cause when en route to an emergency
and the need to relay the number of airplane occupants to
ARFF responders. (A-05-017)
In cooperation with the Memphis/Shelby County Airport
Authority and Memphis Fire Department, modify the November
1, 2001, letter of agreement, titled, Airport Emergency
Procedures, to fully describe the protocol to be used for
emergency responses, including Rural/Metro Fire Department
aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment and personnel.
The complete recommendation letter is available on the Web by clicking here - caution it is a PDF file.
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Airline News: Safety: NTSB Recommendations